So Demi is a multiple conjunct Scorpio – she has Mercury, Neptune, the Sun and Venus conjunct in the sign. Margaret Qualley, ...
Our site mantra for 2012-2015 was ‘ stay stuck and you’re fuqed ‘: The talents you scrambled together to deal with the Uranus ...
lol! Are you reading my mind Mystic!!??!! I was thinking just this morning that I need to bring in the big guns …burning sage and ringing bells does not seem enough. Wot do I do?? And there you and ...
His love of astrology was one of the reasons that the Nobel-prize winning scientist Kary Mullis was “controversial” - He was ...
Maximizing Mars vibe is one of the most effective astrological moves you can make. And it’s especially vital for times like this, when Mars is about to be in just two signs (Cancer + Leo) for the next ...
From the 1920s to the late 1940s, the French perfume house Guerlain rolled out the most extraordinary array of occult-themed advertising art. What’s more, the flagrantly esoteric imagery sold ...