"Marvel Snap," a popular mobile card game published by ByteDance's Nuverse games division, shut down gameplay over the ...
Marvel Snap has gone offline in the United States in the wake of the TikTok ban, due to the explicit text of the act covering it including all ByteDance apps.
Marvel Snap developer Second Dinner and publisher Nuverse say they were surprised by the development.
Marvel Snap was removed from digital platforms in the U.S. yesterday, as a result of the country's ban on TikTok.
It seems that, as of right now, Marvel Snap will remain unavailable for U.S. players for the foreseeable future unless the ban is reversed or a satisfactory resolution for the divestment issue is ...
The shutdown of TikTok has inadvertently affected a number of other apps, including the ever-popular Marvel Snap.
After some testing, I’ve found that the two best decks for Moonstone are Patriot and Tribunal setups. This guide will walk ...
If you want to get the most out of the Dark Avengers season of Marvel Snap, here are the best Moonstone decks.
Marvel Snap might be intimidating for those that aren't used to strategic card-based games, but this guide will surely help ...
Marvel Snap gets evil with the introduction of the Dark Avengers to their roster, featuring new cards, cosmetics and more.
A new update is shaking things up a bit in Nuverse’s card game Marvel Snap. The Dark Avengers update gives former villains a shot at being the Avengers. Introducing characters like Iron Patriot, ...