After checking your credit score, you may receive calls from banks offering loans. This occurs because credit bureaus share ...
Telecom operators must act on complaints within five days instead of 30 days, according to the latest norms laid down by the ...
Waiting for online shopping purchases to arrive? Stay vigilant against scammers pretending to be the U.S. Postal Service.
Oz Forensics is the independent private vendor of robust, technology-based, and AI-powered liveness detection and face-matching solutions founded in 2017 and headquartered in Dubai, UAE. We confirm ...
Spam calls and texts continue to annoy Americans, and worse, they’re costing people money. Telephone companies should do more ...
Is there anything more annoying and grating on the nerves than receiving spam calls, texts, and messages? Our iPhones are great at protecting us from malicious apps and pop-ups, but when it comes to ...
Nearly 99% of adults in the United States have a phone – either a cellphone or a landline. Nearly 22% have both – twice as ...
Receiving a call from an unknown number may seem harmless, but it could be the start a scam. Criminals are using increasingly ...
Phone companies represent a critical line of defense when it comes to warning about or blocking robocalls and robotexts. But ...
Both companies called their solution the Branded Call Display, which has now matured to add another layer of trust to business calls and help everyone see why someone is calling. You don’t need to ...