It was taken up and several amendments proposed. The declaration of causes which justify the secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union was made a special order. The whole address received ...
Just weeks before Charleston fell 160 years ago today, Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery. And now, in the very city that had championed the cause of bondage, formerly ...
of which South Carolina and the other Cotton States form the cement and mortar that keep them from tumbling into a shapeless ruin. But nothing need be more evident than that secession, even if ...
Charleston, South Carolina, April 12, 1861 – the birthplace of secession, and tempers were on edge. In December 1860, the state of South Carolina declared itself independent and severed ties ...
spurring several state legislatures to openly debate an act of secession from the United States. The first to do so was South Carolina, which summoned a state convention in December 1860 ...