A diamond-studded necklace thought to be involved in a scandal that led to the eventual downfall of the last queen of France, Marie Antoinette, is being sold in Geneva next week. The Georgian-era ...
After Napoleon, Marie Antoinette is probably the most famous French historical figure in Britain, even though she was originally Austrian and he was Corsican. At an early age, however, both left home ...
Mélissande Moret a siégé pendant un an et demi au Conseil régional des jeunes de Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Elue creusoise, elle a fait partie de la première promo qui a terminé son mandat en ...
Antoinette is a versatile senior journalist with a special interest in energy and electricity as well as local government. She specialises in explaining complex regulatory issues to stakeholders ...
Jean-Marie Caunet promeut avant tout la langue occitane en travaillant à l'institut d'études occitanes du Limousin et intervient en tant que prestataire pour le Parc naturel régional de ...