It’s well known that younger people don’t vote as much as their elders, but more of them are doing so. And it could start to ...
The twentieth Zurich Film Festival starts next month – with premiers and stars. Jude Law, Kate Winslett and Pamela Anderson ...
The Swiss population has passed the 9 million mark. The latest figures from the Federal Statistics Office show there ...
The lower house of parliament, the National Council, has voted in favour of increasing the defence budget by CHF 4bn. There’s ...
Students at the University of Geneva are pushing back against university management. It denounced a diary published by the ...
Canton Fribourg is warning people to be aware of possible fake police officers. It’s a problem across the whole of French speaking Switzerland, not just in Fribourg. Recently a man, dressed in plain ...
Alex Marrable, Director at Tutorsplus, joins Katt Cullen in the WRS studio to talk about this back-to-school period and how ...