Major companies in the automotive, energy and agriculture sector are relying on Swiss startups to reach their CO2 emissions targets, achieve efficiency in electricity network monitoring and enable ...
The Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (MEDS) in Kenya and CHAN Medi-Pharm in Nigeria, as well as Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) have joined forced with Swiss startup Axmed to improve ...
La startup romande Hublead, proposant un outil de prospection digitale destiné aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), annonce l'entrée au capital d'Apolo, le startup studio de QoQa, avec un invest ...
Das Startup naoo mit seiner schnell wachsenden Social App hat mit GEM Global Yield eine Finanzierungsvereinbarung über 25 Millionen Euro Eigenkapital abgeschlossen. Das zusätzliche Kapital wird naoo ...