South Korean defense company LIG Nex1 has secured a three-point-seven trillion won order from Iraq for its Cheongung-II midrange surface-to-air missile defense system.In ...
The White House said Thursday that the leaders of the United States, India, Japan and Australia will discuss threats from North Korea, and cooperation between North Korea and ...
South Korea and the Czech Republic have agreed to support cooperation between businesses in each other’s nations on reconstruction projects in war-torn Ukraine. President ...
3年以上仕事に就いていない15歳から29歳の若者のうち、働く意思がなく、学校にも通っていない、いわゆる「ニート」が、ことし5月の時点で8万2千人に上ることがわかりました。 統計庁のまとめによりますと、学校に通っていない15歳から29歳の若者のうち、3年以上働いていない人は23万8 ...
Die Bezirksverordnetenversammlung (BVV) Mitte von Berlin hat einen Beschluss für den Erhalt der dort aufgestellten Friedensstatue verabschiedet. Beschlossen wurde ...
Former President Moon Jae-in has called for a “complete review” of South Korea’s discourse on inter-Korean reunification and peace on the Korean Peninsula, now that North ...
Former presidential chief of staff Im Jong-seok has suggested that the two Koreas should strive to coexist as separate countries, instead of seeking to reunify.  The ...
Les Etats-Unis ont ajouté à leur liste des sanctions cinq entités et un individu russes en lien avec les transactions financières illégales entre la Corée du Nord et la Russie.Selon ...
Le président de la République est arrivé jeudi en République tchèque, pour entamer une visite officielle de quatre jours. Cela marque la première visite officielle d'un ...
Tổng thống Hàn Quốc Yoon Suk Yeol đêm ngày 19/9 đã đặt chân tới thủ đô Praha của Cộng hòa Séc, bắt đầu lịch trình thăm chính thức quốc gia Đông Âu này trong 4 ngày. Đây là chuyến thăm chính ...
Estados Unidos ha impuesto sanciones contra cinco entidades y un particular por presunta participación en la cooperación financiera ilícita entre Rusia y Corea del Norte.Según ...
The United States has imposed sanctions against five entities and one individual for their alleged involvement in illicit financial cooperation between Russia and North ...