India's javelin star Neeraj Chopra tied the knot with Himani Mor on Sunday, January 19. The two-time Indian Olympic medallist took to social media to share photos from the beautiful ceremony.
Amidst ongoing speculations about a potential leadership change in Karnataka, both Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy ...
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati has introduced her younger nephew, Ishan Anand, into the party's activities, marking his political debut. Ishan, a 26-year-old law graduate from Westminster ...
Rajkumari Indira Raje, later known as Maharani Indira Devi after she became the queen of erstwhile princely state of Cooch ...
Toofani Saroj, a veteran politician and father of MP Priya Saroj, boasts a net worth of ₹6.55 crore, highlighting his wealth from assets like agricultural land and residential properties.
New Delhi: Rishabh Pant is set to take over as the captain of Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) for IPL 2025. Pant became the most expensive buy in the IPL during the November 2024 mega auction, purchased by ...
SP MP Priya Saroj denies engagement rumours with cricketer Rinku Singh, clarifies through father and social media post.