Questlove premiered his new documentary, "Sly Lives! (aka The Burden of Black Genius)" at the Sundance Film Festival. The story focuses on the rise and fall of the funk pioneer Sly Stone.
Roots co-founder Questlove is back at Sundance after winning an Oscar for Summer Of Soul, this time the musician is looking at Sly Stone to see today.
Sly Lives! director Questlove shares that making the film was both emotional and a “rollercoaster of storytelling” during his interview at THR’s studio at Park City. Plus, producer Joseph Patel shares the hardest challenges they faced while making the film as well as Sly Stone’s involvement.
The Sundance Film Festival welcomed back three Oscar-winning documentary filmmakers to help kick off the annual independent film showcase in Park City, Utah.
PARK CITY, Utah -- Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson directed the Onyx Collective documentary which tells the story of the groundbreaking band Sly & The Family Stone's rise to fame, their unfortunate ...
Tonight, with the 9:30 p.m. MT premiere of Sly Lives! (aka The Burden of Black Genius) at Park City’s sure to be sold ... dancing crowd this weekend in the Utah resort town.
Welcome to Millsite State Park, Utah’s best-kept secret. Picture this: You’re driving through central Utah, surrounded by a landscape that looks like it was plucked straight out of a John Wayne movie. Dusty roads, towering mesas, and enough sagebrush to make a cowboy weep with joy.
Sorry, Baby” Eva Victor triumphs as the writer and star in her perfectly nuanced directorial debut “Sorry, Baby.” (Mia Cioffy Henry, provided by the Sundance Institute) Comedian Eva Victor can be ridiculously funny and wry.
Sly Lives!' director Questlove shares that making the film was both emotional and a "rollercoaster of storytelling" during his interview at THR's studio at Park City. Plus, producer Joseph Patel shares the hardest challenges they faced while making the film as well as Sly Stone's involvement.
Park City and Salt Lake City are continuing to guard many of the details of the bid to retain the Sundance Film Festival in the state. But the governor of Utah and the leader of the Park City Chamber/Bureau have recently entered the scene with limited information.
I visited Salt Lake City, Park City, and Draper in Utah's Silicon Slopes and was surprised by the tech scene and affordable luxury stays.
The Sundance Film Festival catalogue can be overwhelming to navigate, with around 90 feature films playing across 11 days.