Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Live! – The Chapel in Poland that Saint Kolbe Founded via Big Pulpit ...
Going forward the diocese will see 79 parishes and 39 secondary worship sites remain after the merger/closure process.” ...
In East Timor, the pontiff visited a home for disabled children, spoke to Catholic clergy and religious, met local ...
The South Carolina Department of Corrections could potentially execute one death row inmate every 35 days — or every five ...
Both remembering those who lost someone they loved and saying a quick prayer to myself for everyone affected by 9/11 has ...
The secret of the strength and resilience of the Ukrainian people in the midst of the ongoing war with Russia comes “from ...
The Catholic Church currently has 176,000 faithful in the country and is considered one of the most dynamic and vital in ...
Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris debated abortion policy, contested each other’s records on the ...
In a normal batch, the Upper Carmel produces 70 packages of 400 hosts each, a total of 28,000, whose sales serve to support ...
COMMENTARY: To overcome the prevailing philosophy that permeates contemporary America’s discourse, Catholics must relearn how ...
Then, in mid-July, shortly after the John Paul II/ Witness to Hope series went live, Jones was abruptly informed that the ...
The Missouri Catholic Conference had urged Catholics to pray and fast for the amendment’s removal from the ballot.