Now 82 years old, Virgil Umpenhour has been at war with Alaska’s commercial salmon farmers, or ranchers as they prefer to call themselves, for most of his adult life. For decades, he battled without ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin, the wannabe King of the Arctic, is falling short on his vision of turning his country’s Northern Sea Route into a legitimate alternative to the Suez Canal, but ...
To start with, the studies as to the association between alcohol consumption and cancer are unclear. “Light to moderate drinking is associated with minimally increased risk of overall cancer. For men ...
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Only weeks after a Seattle biologist warned Canadians that salmon numbers in the North Pacific Ocean have reached the point where ocean-farmed fish threaten wild salmon, the chief fishery research ...
Want to live better and significantly increase your chances of living longer? No problem. Get up off your ass and move at every opportunity. Researchers from Australia and Denmark last month added to ...
The mayor of Alaska’s largest wants to stiffen the so-called crime of “jaywalking” in the name of saving lives, and nobody seems to have asked the most pertinent question: Exactly how will this save ...
Scientists are now warning that one of the least recognized threats of climate change might be deadly cold. No, this has nothing to do with the start of a new Ice Age or even a Little Ice Age. The ...
OLYMPIA, Wash – The flood of Interstate 5 traffic that thunders past the capitol of “The Evergreen State” day and night nicely underlines the July warning from the U.S. Department of Transportation ...
Who is responsible for pedestrian death record? With Anchorage having set a new record for killing pedestrians on its streets, and more than a few motorists happy to blame it on the homeless getting ...
Alaska salmon farmers who annually turn almost 2 billion hatchery fish loose to feed on the pastures of the North Pacific Ocean finally appear to have caught the attention of Canadians who’ve for ...