It's a common myth that refined carbohydrates like white rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes are "bad." While it's true that their wholegrain/brown alternatives contain more fiber, neither is better ...
A popular health hack on social media claims to make white rice healthier by increasing resistant starches. Does it work?
White bread, white flour, white pasta and white rice are examples of refined carbohydrates. Labeling foods as "good" and "bad ...
Starch is what we usually understand carbs to mean - foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and rice - but these "beige" varieties aren't good for you. Neither are "white" carbs - found in sugary foods ...
"If you're eating to get energy for physical activity right away, simple carbs -- pasta, white bread, processed cereals, and the like -- work well. If someone is heavy or wants to manage weight ...