Embry-Riddle professor Mike McCormick recounts Sept. 11, 2001, the day he shut down all flights in New York Center.
Minutes before United Airlines Flight 175 slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, 38-year-old Brian Sweeney made a phone call to his wife from the back of the plane.
Thousands died in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack across New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania, and still many ...
President Joe Biden issued a proclamation to lower the flags and have a moment of silence for the attack that killed nearly 3 ...
Under a cloudless, perfect September sky, United Airlines employees gathered in Arlington Heights to remember a similar day ...
When our Nation awoke on Sept. 11, 2001, many carried on with their morning routine just like any other day, commuting to ...
Manning said that on “that Godforsaken day” 23 years ago, he watched live on TV as United Airlines Flight 175 slammed into the south tower of New York’s World Trade Center moments after his ...
From 8 a.m. when American Airlines Flight 11 takes off .... to 5:25 p.m. when an empty 47-story 7 World Trade Center ...
A 210-mile journey pushing an airline beverage cart from Boston’s Public Garden to the 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero in New ...
On the morning of Sept. 11, United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11 departed from Boston en route to California before hijackers crashed them into the North and South towers of ...