Iodine is an element that's required for the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Since the body does not produce ...
Lugol’s iodine is a solution of potassium iodide with added elemental iodine. It was created in the first half of the 19th ...
"A century ago, much of northern America was known as the goiter belt," said The Economist. A lack of natural iodine in the ...
Iodine is an important mineral found in nature, especially in oceans. Your body needs iodine to function properly. But it can't make it on its own. Instead, you need to get enough iodine through ...
A solution of iodine and potassium iodide is dripped on to a substance and if it contains starch, a deep blue colour will materialise. Here's the science bit! Starches contain a sugar called ...
Recently, ISMP Canada published a safety bulletin on oral dosing errors associated with LUGOL's solution (potassium iodide and iodine), also referred to as strong iodine solution. [1] The ...
Potassium iodide tablets play a crucial role in radiation emergencies by protecting the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine. While they don't shield against external radiation, potassium iodide ...