When using stepwise autoregression, it is a good idea to specify an NLAG= option value larger than the order of any potential seasonality, since seasonality produces autocorrelation at the seasonal ...
A few of the common time series models are: ARIMA: The autoregressive integrated moving average model uses autoregression, integration (differences between observations), and moving averages to ...
Discover the transformative potential of quantum computing in revolutionizing AI applications for sustainable, efficient, and ...
A model with first-order autoregressive errors, AR(1), has the form while an AR(2) error process has the form and so forth for higher-order processes. Note that the ...
Annals of Economics and Statistics, No. 123/124, SPECIAL ISSUE ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS (December 2016), pp. 333-361 (29 pages) https://doi ...
For each country, we estimate a vector autoregression that includes fiscal and macroeconomic variables. Retrospectively, a historical decomposition shows by how much debt accumulation reflects ...
"Still Puzzling: Evaluating the Price Puzzle in an Empirically Identified Structural Vector Autoregression," March 2013, Empirical Economics, (with Kevin Hoover and Selva Demiralp). “Does ...
Live-cell microscopy routinely provides massive amount of time-lapse images of complex cellular systems under various physiological or therapeutic conditions. However, this wealth of data remains ...